
This notice applies to the members portal accessible only by applicants, subscribers and
members of International Journalism Defense, Inc, and IJD Vermont LLC I (d/b/a Reporters
Shield) (the “Members Portal”) via (our “Website”), or via email to

Tracking technologies, such as cookies, tags, pixels, fingerprinting, web beacons, and similar script, are used to store and/or share information about website visitors, their systems, and browsers. The information collected by cookies and tracking technologies varies depending on each website’s components and can be of a personal nature (information that directly or indirectly can identify you) and of a non-personal nature (information that does not identify directly or indirectly any single individual, such as cookies used to enable language settings on a website). Information of a personal nature may include, but is not limited to, details regarding the device you are using, the browser you are using, your IP address, the previous website you visited, whether you clicked on one of our ads, and your browsing behavior. 

Some of the cookies and tracking technologies that we use on our Website are strictly necessary and they are there to technically enable the Website and its components as well as to enable security measures. Strictly necessary cookies are activated without user consent because these are necessary for the Website to work properly and in a secure way. All other cookies and tracking technologies not classified as strictly necessary are subject to consent from Website visitors. 

This Cookies and Tracking Technology Notice (“Cookie Notice”) details each of the cookies and other tracking technologies used on our Website, as well as the categories of information we collect, the purposes for which the cookies and other tracking technologies collect information, and their classification into the four categories of tracking technologies that we use. 

Tracking technology we use

We use the following tracking technologies on our Website:

Type of TechnologyDescriptionPurposes
CookiesIt’s a type of data from a website in the form of a text command (e.g. a script) stored within a web browser to remember information about you, such as language preference and login information, or to carry out the necessary communication transmissions (e.g. HTTP requests) to provide a service or application that you have requested.Assisting you in navigation, providing essential functionalities related to our services and Website (e.g. displaying pages, visual elements, and language accessibility).

Why am I seeing third party cookies if I rejected non-essential trackers?

Be aware that even if you accept only “necessary cookies,” you still may see third party trackers that are enabled by services we use in our ecosystem. Third party trackers are enabled because these services may also have cookies or trackers that they have classified as strictly necessary to perform the services that we requested. 

To safeguard and respect your privacy we operate our sites on a strict opt-in basis with regards to all non-essential trackers. Check the next section regarding Exercise your rights and opt-out for more details.

Exercise your rights and opt-out

To safeguard and respect your privacy we operate our sites on a strict opt-in basis. This means that, to the extent that it is technically feasible and insofar as these trackers are not related to any strictly necessary purposes, we will block all non-essential trackers until you provide your consent to other trackers. These include all trackers used for marketing or analytical purposes as well as targeted advertising. Please note that accepting only necessary cookies may affect your browsing experience when compared with a user who accepted these functionalities.

If you do consent to the use of non-essential trackers, you can customize and withdraw your consent at any time (except concerning strictly necessary cookies) by sending an email to [or by selection using the button on the Website]. You can choose whether you consent to some or all of our cookies and tracking technologies and this will not affect your access to the Website and our resources. However, please note that the user experience might be different depending on the categories of cookies you accept.

If you are a visitor from the European Union, we facilitate mechanisms for exercising your rights based on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). You can check more details about your rights as a data subject and the corresponding legal basis in the table below:

Data Subject RightDescriptionLegal Basis
Right to accessYou have the right to request access to what kind of personal information we hold about you as well as why we need this information.GDPR Article 15
Right to rectifyYou have the right to request correction or inclusion of your personal information when you find inaccuracies or need to inform updates regarding your data.GDPR Article 16
Right to erasureYou have the right to request the deletion of your personal information from our system. Sometimes, this right cannot be fulfilled due to certain legal obligations or contractual commitments that justify the retention during a specific mandatory period. GDPR Article 17
Right to restriction of processingYou have the right to request the restriction of processing your personal data in certain circumstances (e.g., during a challenge of accuracy or legitimate ground of processing). Sometimes, when we cannot delete your personal information due to legal obligations or contractual commitments, we can fulfil this request instead of the right to erasure. GDPR Article 18
Right of data portabilityYou have the right to request data portability in situations where it’s technically feasible and when there’s logical reasonability to do it (e.g., reuse your personal information by another data controller in the same processing activities or co-related processing activities).GDPR Article 20
Right to withdraw consentYou have the right to request the withdrawal of your consent in case you have given to us to authorize the processing of your personal information,GDPR Article 7(3)

In case you may want to exercise any of these rights, you can do it by sending an email to

Additionally, if you are a visitor from the United States, and especially from California, you might know that residents have specific rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) with the amendments in place by California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA).

You can check more details about your rights as a California Consumer and the corresponding legal basis in the table below:

Data Subject RightDescriptionLegal Basis
Right to be informedYou have the right to be informed about what kind of personal information we collect and process about you and when you have the right to opt-out.
 Cal. Civ. Code § 178.130(a)(5)
Right to accessYou have the right to request access to information about what personal information we hold about you as well as why we need this information. It also includes the right to request specific pieces of your personal information.Cal. Civ. Code §§ 1798.100(a), 1798.110, and 1798.115
Right to deletionYou have the right to request the deletion of your personal information from our system. Sometimes, this right cannot be fulfilled due to certain legal obligations or contractual commitments that justify the retention during a specific mandatory period. Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.105
Right to opt-outYou have the right to request the opt-out of the sale of your personal information. As a sale, you can understand the acts of selling, renting, releasing, disclosing, disseminating, making available, and transferring personal information for monetary or other valuable consideration.Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.120
Right to correct 
inaccurate personal information
You have the right to request to correct inaccurate personal information pursuant our collection and usage, including the information collected through tracking technologies.Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.106
Right to know what personal 
information is sold or shared
You have the right to know the categories of personal information we collect and perform sale/sharing activities as well as business that uses and receives the information.Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.115
Right of no retaliation 
following Opt Out or 
exercise of other rights
You have the right not to be discriminated against or denied goods and services because you choose to opt-out of our sale and sharing activities.Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.125
Right to limit use and 
disclosure of sensitive 
personal information
You have the right to limit its use of sensitive personal information to that use which is necessary to perform the services or provide the goods reasonably expected.Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.121

In case you may want to exercise any of these rights, you can do so by sending an email to:

Cookies categories

Our Website uses third-party cookies to provide services and resources you may have requested during your navigation. We classify these cookies into the following categories:

=> Strictly necessary cookies as the ones to provide the service, application, and other essential functionalities of our Website.

=>  Functional cookies as the ones to provide enhanced performance for some Website resources and services as well as sometimes to adopt a higher level of personalisation on user experience. 

=>  Performance cookies as the ones to provide quantitative measurement of our Website and its resources used for purposes like troubleshooting and analytics. 

=> Targeting cookies as the ones to provide behavioral advertising and re-marketing of analytical data.

Below we show a detailed list of the cookies we use on our Website and the purpose for which we enable each tracker. You should keep in mind that occasional subtle variations when comparing our public list with your scan may happen, as changes can occur depending on the type of browser you are using and your interactions with other websites.

Functional cookies

These cookies are set by us or by third party service providers we use to implement additional functionalities or to enhance features and Website performance. However, they are not directly related to the service you requested. Services and functionalities implemented by these cookies support features like an automatically filled text box, live web chat platform, non-necessary forms, and optional security parameters like a single sign-on (SSO).

HostCookie NameDescriptionExpirationType of Service    wp-wpml_current_languageStores the current language. This cookie is enabled by default on sites that use the language filtering for AJAX operations feature.SessionThird Party
wp-ada-show-accessibility-toolsThis cookie is retained until the browser is closed and used to remember the web accessibility tool bars visibility state.SessionThird Party
wp-ada-accessibility-tools-bigcursorThis cookie is retained until the browser is closed and used to remember the state of the big cursor toolbar optionSessionThird Party
wp-ada-accessibility-tools-contrastThis cookie is retained until the browser is closed and used to remember the state of the color contrast toolbar optionSessionThird Party
wp-ada-accessibility-tools-fontfamilyThis cookie is retained until the browser is closed and used to remember the state of the legible font toolbar option.SessionThird Party
wp-ada-accessibility-tools-fontsizeThis cookie is retained until the browser is closed and used to remember the state of the font size toolbar option.SessionThird Party
wp-ada-accessibility-tools-highlightheadingsThis cookie is retained until the browser is closed and used to remember the state of the highlight headings toolbar optionSessionThird Party
wp-ada-accessibility-tools-highlightlinksThis cookie is retained until the browser is closed and used to remember the state of the highlight links toolbar optionSessionThird Party
wp-ada-accessibility-tools-keyboardnavThis cookie is retained until the browser is closed and used to remember the state of the keyboard navigation toolbar option.SessionThird Party
wp-ada-accessibility-tools-stopanimationsThis cookie is retained until the browser is closed and used to remember the state of the stop animation toolbar option.SessionThird Party
wp-ada-accessibility-tools-textspacingThis cookie is retained until the browser is closed and used to remember the state of the text spacing toolbar option.SessionThird Party
wp-ada-accessibility-tools-tooltipsThis cookie is retained until the browser is closed and used to remember the state of the show tool tips toolbar option.SessionThird Party
wpadasettingslastTabUsed to remember the last tab selected on the options pageSessionThird Party

Contact information

If you have questions, requests, or concerns regarding your privacy and rights or anything contained in this Cookie Notice, you can contact us by email at