How It Works

Reporters Shield is a global community of newsrooms who all contributing to a mutual defence fund designed to meet the costs of legal defence. It is a membership program that defends investigative reporting from legal attacks. Reporters Shield will identify qualified lawyers to respond to legal threats and lawsuits and pay for legal representation up to a pre-agreed limit. Members can nominate their own lawyer to defend them. We also help members to avoid lawsuits by providing training, resources, and pre-publication review for high risk investigations, ie of persons or organisations legally registered in UK, US, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore.

The annual fee for membership is based on several factors, including the location of the outlet and the number of stories published per year. The current average membership fee is $3,500 but some members pay less and some pay more, it depends on the level of legal services they choose.

Members receive legal defense and assistance for threats or lawsuits that are content related, in relation to stories published during their membership period.

Sadly we cannot defend cases in countries without independent legal systems. We do however, welcome organizations operating in restrictive environments or reporting in exile including those who may face lawsuits outside their country.

If you have questions about your country or organization’s specific situation, please reach out to


Organizations should be financially transparent:

  • Be legally registered
  • Have non-profit status or declared ownership
  • Have transparent financial management and formal annual accounts
  • Be independent from political, commercial, or other undue influence


Organizations should adhere to professional editorial standards:

  • Distinguish clearly between opinion and news reporting
  • Have editorial independence and professional editorial policies
  • Focus primarily on news journalism or reporting in the public interest
  • Publish reporting in print or online (scripted audio & video up to 30 mins)

Register here to become a member. Your application will be reviewed and you will be contacted for more information.

Covering cost of lawyers

Covering cost of lawyers

Providing training on how to handle legal complaints

Providing training on how to handle legal complaints

Offering pre-publication review in high risk cases

Offering pre-publication review in high risk cases